- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 三菱 Mitsubishi
- 多用途厅 mixed-use hall
- 多媒体传送服务 MMS (multimedia messaging service)
- 犯罪活动 mob activities
- 流动电话客户 mobile customers
- 过去两年,本港手提电话用户人数上升百分之五十。 Mobile phone ownership has surged by 50 per cent in Hong Kong during the past two years.
- 手机机壳 mobile phone shells
- 歹徒 mobster
- 现代化的新发展区 modernised new development area
- 显要人物 mogul
- 穆罕默德 Mohammed
- 甘地 Mohandas Gandhi
- 臼齿 molar
- 摩尔达维亚(基什尼奥夫) Moldavia/Moldova(Kishinev)
- 发霉的面包 moldy bread
- 非礼、性骚扰 molest somebody (vt); To molest is to attack or harm someone, especially a child, by touching them in a sexual way or trying to have sex with them.
- 调戏 molestation
- 非礼别人的人 molester
- 汽油弹 Molotov cocktail
- 钼 Molybdenum
- 爹亲娘亲不如毛主席亲,天大地大不如党的恩情大。 Mommy and daddy can't compare with Chairman Mao, the greatness of heaven and earth can't compare with the great kindess of the Party.
- 君主 monarch
- (男子的)修道院 monastery
- 洗黑钱 money laundering
- 利润又高又稳定的商品/摇钱树 money spinner/cash cow