政府将预留五千万元,在未来三年加强公务员培训计划,鼓励公务员持续进修,终身学习。 In the coming three years, the
Government will provide $50 million to enhance its training programme for civil servants
and encourage them to pursue continuous and life-long learning.空袭限期逼近 in the countdown to possible air strikes向登龙街方向逃走 in the direction of Tang Lung Street七十年代早期,内地和台湾分别宣称拥有钓鱼台主权。 In the early 1970s the mainland and Taiwan made
claims to the islands.在医疗事故里 in the event of blunders在一列荃湾线列车的第一节车厢 in the first compartment of the Tsuen Wan line train地区直选方面,以新界东选情最激烈。该区有十张名单,合共二十六名候选人竞逐五个议席。 In the geographical polls, the
toughest fight will be in New Territories East, where 26 candidates on 10 tickets will
be vying for five seats.在选举后期 in the later stages of the election鉴于有良好的内外情况,财政司司长较早前已把二零零零年全年本港经济实质增长预测调高至百分之八点五。 In the light of the
favourable internal and external conditions, the Financial Secretary has earlier revised
upward his forecast of Hong Kong's economic growth in real terms for the year 2000 to
8.5%.现时我不会考虑辞职。 In the meantime, I have not consider resignation.在德、智、体、群、美各方面/在德智体群美五方面 in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and
aesthetic domains在德、智、体、群、美各方面/在德智体群美五方面 in the moral, intellectual, physical, social and
aesthetic domains在十月展开的下一个立法年度 in the next legislative session that opens in October在新界西北 in the Northwest New Territories正准备地下核试 in the process of preparing for underground nuclear tests快将投票的时候 in the run-up to the election在西方我被批评为太商业化。 In the West I am being criticized for being too commercial.
如此一来,香港就能吸引海外人才。 In this way, Hong Kong can become a magnet for overseas
talent.回归后的头几年/主权移交后的头几年 in those early years after the handover体外受精 in vitro fertilisation (IVF)试管婴儿、体外受精 in vitro fertilization住院病人 in-patients/inpatients持续进修院校 in-service continuing education institutions持续进修院校 in-service continuing education institutions试管胚胎 in-vitro embryos 语际翻译 版权所有
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