全副武装/全副军装 in full combat dress保养得好 in good condition/well-maintained真诚地 in good faith以署理特首的身分 in her capacity as Acting Chief Executive判刑时,周法官以四年为量刑起点,因被告认罪,故减刑三分一至三十二个月。 In her sentencing, Judge Chua adopted a
starting point of four years' jail and reduced it by one-third to 32 months because of
Wu's guilty plea.在他的供词中 in his police confession郑耀宗在证词中表示,路祥安曾问他钟庭耀的民调是以个人身份发表还是以学校名义发表。 In his testimony, Professor Cheng
said Mr Lo had asked him whether Dr Chung conducted his polls in his personal capacity
or in the name of the university.在危险中 in jeopardy还有不到两周,特首曾荫权就会发表他上任后的首份施政报告。 In less than two weeks, Chief Executive Donald
Tsang Yam-kuen will present his first policy address.政府在五月调低经济增长预测,由三月财政预算案中的百分之四调低至百分之三。 In May, the Government forecast three
per cent yearly economic growth, down from the four per cent predicted in the March
budget.(辩护律师)在求情时 in mitigation该公司在十月发行二亿五千万股新股,每股作价五元,用以偿还债项。 In October, the firm raised $1.25 billion
by issuing 250 million new shares at $5 each to repay debt.在演词、致词中 in off-the-cuff remarks为防止癌症复发 in order to prevent his cancer from relapsing在信息爆炸的社会 in our information overload society近月越来越多人担心经济过热。 In recent months, fears that the economy is overheating have
grown.在偏远乡村地区 in remote rural areas为中美军机相撞一事报复 in retaliation for last month's mid-air collision between a US
spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet情况严重 in serious conditon/in a serious condition情况稳定,令人满意 in stable and satisfactory condition情况稳定 in stable condition/in a stable condition在二零零零年台湾大选,中国大陆的尖刻言辞反而帮助陈水扁多获5%的选票。 In the 2000 Taiwanese elections, the
vitriol from Beijing actually gave Chen a 5% boost in the polls.在阿拉伯世界/在阿拉伯国家 in the Arab world每当妻子没有怀孕或未能添丁,就会受到指责。这种情况在中国社会尤甚。 In the Chinese culture in particular, the
accusing finger is always pointed at the wife in an infertile marriage or when a male
child is not produced.在殖民地时期 in the colonial period 语际翻译 版权所有
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