公立医院服务加价 increases in fees for public hospital services租金开支和劳工成本上升 increases in rental expenses and labour costs增强自信心 increases self-confidence增持电盈 increasing his stake in CyberWorks跳表收费 incremental charge潜伏期 incubation period/latency period不治之症 incurable disease净蚀九亿七百二十万港元 incurred a net loss of HK$907.2 million触怒高官 incurred official wrath受了几处枪伤 incurring a series of gunshot wounds非礼 indecent assault (n); Indecent assault is a sexual attack on sb but one
that does not include rape.犹豫不决的零碎作法 indecisive, piecemeal efforts事实上,珠三角的城市正开发多个计划,以减少对香港这个运输中心的依赖。 Indeed, Pearl River Delta cities are
developing numerous projects designed to reduce dependence on Hong Kong as a transport
hub.支持**的政客 independence-minded politicians支持**的总统 independence-minded president廉政公署 Independent Commission Against Corruption投诉警方独立监察委员会 Independent Police Complaints Council长者活动中心 independent social centers for the elderly/Social Centre for the
Elderly无党派议员 independents食指 index finger印度指控巴基斯坦支持是次屠杀。 India charged Pakistan with backing the slaughter.印度洋 Indian Ocean印度总理瓦杰帕伊 Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee印度(新德里) India(New Delhi)(刑事)起诉 indict (vt); To indict is to officially charge someone with a
criminal offence./was indicted for murder/was indicted on a number of corruption charges
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