哥罗方 chloroform强忍泪水 chocked back tears彩虹 Choi Hung菜心 Choi-Sum霍乱 cholera胆固醇 cholesterol胆汁素 Choline重庆 Chongqing选择宝宝性别 choose a baby's gender选择家族以外的人接班 choose someone outside the bloodline to take his place按成绩来收生 choose students on the basis of academic results选择同居而不结婚 choose to live together instead of getting married从不同角度看事物 choose to look at things from a different perspective选择与民为敌 chooses to be an enemy of the people砧板 chopping boards脉络膜 choroid措辞谨慎 chose his words carefully昨日选择自辩 chose not to be represented by a legal counsel at yesterday's
hearing蔡素玉 Choy So Yuk欧盟对外事务专员彭定康 Chris Patten, the European Union's External Affairs
Commissioner基督教寓言/圣经寓言 Christian allegory香港举行了自回归以来最大型的游行,由基督教团体打头阵/扯头缆。 Christian groups lead the rally as Hong
Kong witnesses its biggest public demonstration since the handover.香港基督教服务联会 Christian Service, HK基督教 Christianity思汇政策研究所行政总监陆恭蕙 Christine Loh Kung-wai, CEO of Civic Exchange 语际翻译 版权所有
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