- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中国神华能源股份有限公司( 1088)China Shenhua Energy Co. Ltd.
- 中远太平洋有限公司( 1199)COSCO Pacific Ltd.
- 顾客可享用 12个月的免费电话服务。Customers can enjoy 12 months free telephone service.
- 竞逐新学年 14500个政府资助的八间大专院校一年级学位compete for 14,500 first-year, first-degree places in eight government-funded institutions in the new academic year
- 中国电信大跌百分之 15.22,报51元5角,市值减少了1267.8亿元。China Telecom saw $126.78 billion sliced off its market value as its shares plunged 15.22 per cent to $51.50.
- 将石油消耗量减少 17% cut oil consumption 17%
- (迪士尼乐园)创造 18,400个职位create 18,400 new jobs
- 多达二万平分米的泥土由山上泻到山脚 20000 cubic meters of mud crashed to the foot of a slope
- 中国蒙牛乳业有限公司( 2319)China Mengniu Dairy Co. Ltd.
- 九月的货运量达 235,000公吨,较去年上升百分之七点九。Cargo volume for September was 235,000 tonnes, up 7.9 per cent year on year.
- 中国人寿保险股份有限公司( 2628)China Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
- 背着的书包重达 3.8公斤carrying a bag weighing 3.8 kg
- 减低 50%的复发机会cuts recurrences by 50 per cent
- 南方航空升百分之 7.29,收报2.575元,成交达1亿2857万元之多。China Southern closed up 7.29 per cent at $2.575 on strong volume of $128.57 million.
- 一所学校倒塌,七十名学童和数名教师被活埋。 70 children and some teachers were feared dead in the debris of their school building.
- 能向准父母保证有 85%生女的机会can offer couples an 85% chance of ensuring they will have a girl
- 维他命 C Vitamin C/Ascorbic Acid
- 巴士司机位 cab
- 客舱/驾驶舱 cabin
- 香港电讯 Cable & Wireless Hongkong Telecom
- 有线电视新闻网(美) Cable News Network (CNN)
- 斜拉桥 cable-stayed bridge
- 暂存记忆 cache
- 剖腹产子 caesarean section
- 咖啡因 caffeine