- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 来自名校 came from an elite school
- (列车)脱轨 came off the track
- 被誉为香港良心 came to be known as the conscience of Hong Kong
- 浮雕剪影 cameo silhouettes
- 摄影师 cameraman
- 喀麦隆(雅温得) Cameroon(Yaounde)
- 竞选顾问 campaign adviser
- 竞选总部 campaign headquarters
- 竞选经理 campaign manager
- 选举宣传车 campaign van
- 政治献金丑闻 campaign-financing scandals
- 在车中度宿 camped out in a car
- 校园生活 campus life
- 可用脑部核磁共振扫描加以证实 can be confirmed with a magnetic-resonance scan of the brain
- 可用心理测验来证实 can be verified with psychological testing
- 最能贯彻李登辉路线 can best implement the Lee line
- 病征包括晕眩、呕吐和失去听觉 can cause dizziness, nausea and hearing loss
- 可以选择在第五个月才供楼 can choose to start paying interest and instalments in the fifth month
- 能自行隔离十日 can complete 10 days' self-imposed quarantine
- 会感到口干 can feel dryness in the mouth
- 潜伏期可长达三十年 can lie dormant for 30 years
- 能降低血压 can lower blood pressure
- 普罗市民能负担得起吗? Can ordinary people afford it?
- 可能造成流产或畸胎/先天缺陷 can produce miscarriages and brith defects
- 可以减低直肠癌死亡率达三分之一 can reduce colon-cancer deaths by a third