- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 呼吁党政分家 called for the separation of power between party legislators and party leaders
- 打长途电话给我 called me long-distance
- 取消所有竞选活动 called off all campaigning activities
- 结束在货柜码头的罢驶行动 called off their blockade of Kwai Chung terminal
- 要求陈水扁总统公开枪击事件真相 called on Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian to come clean on the assassination attempt
- 叫救伤车/召唤救护车 called the emergency services
- 指三名资深民主党立法会议员不爱国,因为他们反对二十三条 called three veteran Democrat legislators unpatriotic for actions such as opposing Article 23 of the Basic Law
- 来电显示 caller number display/calling identity delivery (CID)
- 要求还政于民 calling for ''returning power to the people''
- 要求人民币立即升值 calling for an immediate appreciation of the yuan
- 要求把他逐出党 calling for his expulsion from the party
- 要求普选特首,普选立法会 calling for the election of Chief Executive and Legislative Council by universal suffrage
- 呼吁共产党吸纳商界人才来推动党的发展 calling for the infusion of private-sector talent to help propel the party
- 招标 calling tender
- 麻木不仁 callousness
- 没有同情心的 callous; We were shocked at the callous disregard for human life.
- 要求结束一党专政 calls for an end to one-party rule on the mainland
- 呼吁扩大选特首的选举委员会 calls for an enlargement of the Election Committee which elects the chief executive
- (传媒工作者)要求,若被控揭露机密资料,可以公众利益作为抗辩,但被政府拒绝。 Calls for public interest to be permitted as a defence to a charge of illegal disclosure of protected information were also rejected.
- 使精神镇静 calm the mind
- 甘汞 calomel
- 卡路里 calorie
- 赤柬游击队 Cambodia's Khmer Rouge guerillas
- 柬浦寨(金边) Cambodia(Phnom Penh)
- 出身破碎家庭 came from a dysfunctional family