流动资产 current asset现时的性教育鲜有提及性技巧。 Current sex education rarely touches on sexual techniques.
现正出售海外资产减债 currently divesting its overseas assets to cut debt有史以来销售速度最快的书籍 currently holds the record as the fastest-selling book in
history仍在实验阶段 currently still in the experimentation stage光标/光标 cursor防止核武扩散 curtail the spread of nukes/halt the spread of nuclear weapons羁留所 custody centre她十三岁的女儿和十六岁的儿子的抚养权都归父亲。 Custody of her daughter, 13, and son, 16, had been
granted to their father.习惯法 customary law客户服务中心 customer service centre客户关系管理软件 customer-relationship-management (CRM) software由于选择和所获得的资料多了,消费者的要求比以前更高。 Customers are ever more demanding because of a
greater choice and better access to information.香港海关 Customs and Excise Department关税 customs duty海关人员 customs officers海关人员 customs officers海关版权及商标调查科 Customs' Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau海关版权及商标调查科 Customs' Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau本来人手就不够,现在再裁减约三千名员工 cut 3,000 or so jobs from an already depleted workforce
少吃鱼翅 cut back on shark's fin soup把生产线移往大陆,节省成本 cut costs by moving production to the mainland减少喝汽水 cut down on our soft drinks intake割脉、割手腕 cut her wrists调低二零零一年的盈利预测 cut its 2001 earnings outlook 语际翻译 版权所有
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