厨艺学校、烹饪学校 culinary schools犯人 culprits培育年青人独立思考技巧 cultivate critical thinking skills in young minds培育年青人独立思考技巧 cultivate critical thinking skills in young minds培养学生自学能力 cultivate students' ability to learn on their own培养学生自学能力 cultivate students' ability to learn on their own培育人才 cultivate the talents培育人才 cultivate the talents文化及创意产业 cultural and creative industries文化和娱乐设施、文娱设施 cultural and entertainment facilities文化评论员 cultural critic文化沙漠 cultural desert文化设施 cultural facilities文化地雷 cultural land mines文化委员会 Culture and Heritage Commission教派、异派 cult; A cult is an extreme religious group that is not part of an
established religion.古物古迹办事处馆长邹兴华 Curator with the Antiquities and Monuments Office Chau
Hing-wah压制炒楼活动/压制楼宇炒卖活动 curb property speculation防止钢铁业增长过急 curb runaway growth in the steel industry打击屯门的黑社会活动 curb the activities of triad gangs in Tuen Mun万灵丹/万应灵丹 cure-all/panacea/elixir货币 currencies货币政策 currency policies货币改革 currency reform支票户口/往来户口 current account 语际翻译 版权所有
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