- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 未能承受分离之苦 cannot handle the trauma of separation
- 不能松懈/不能降低我们的警觉性 cannot relax our vigilance
- 亲吻爱抚 canoodle
- 罩篷 canopy
- 嘉诺撒医院 Canossa Hospital
- 帆布床 canvas beds
- 争取选举委员会的支持 canvass support from the Election Committee
- 争取立法会和市民大众的支持 canvassing support from the Legislative Council and the public
- 拉票 canvass(vi)(vt)/(n); canvassing for votes/canvassing local residents/carry out a canvass/We'll have to canvass the entire area before the referendum.
- 哥连臣角佛教坟场 Cape Collinson Buddhist Cemetery
- 哥连臣角华人永远坟场 Cape Collinson Chinese Permanent Cemetery
- 哥连臣角火葬场 Cape Collinson Crematorium
- 哥连臣角回教坟场 Cape Collinson Muslim Cemetery
- 哥连臣角天主教坟场 Cape Collinson Roman Catholic Cemetery
- 开普敦 Cape Town(South Africa)
- 微丝血管/毛细血管 capillary/capillaries(pl)
- 资产收益税 capital gains tax
- 集资能力 capital-raising abilities
- 集资活动 capital-raising exercise
- 运用群众心理 capitalize on mass psychology
- 投降 capitulation
- (指船等)翻覆 capsize
- 胶囊 capsule
- 圈养繁殖/人工繁殖 captive breeding
- 捉拿者 captors