- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 捉拿拉登 capture bin Laden
- 风摩数以百万计儿童 captured the hearts of millions of children
- 车牌 car plate
- 买车丑闻 car purchase controversy
- (钻石)卡 carat
- 碳水化合物 carbohydrate
- 动物尸体 carcass
- 信用卡公司 card companies
- 纸皮箱 cardboard box
- 心搏周期 cardiac cycle
- 心肌 cardiac muscles
- 贲门括约肌 cardiac sphincter
- 胡振中枢机 Cardinal John Baptist Wu Cheng-chung
- 枢机主教拉青格 Cardinal Ratzinger, dean of the College of Cardinals
- 心脏专科医师 cardiologist
- 心脏科/血液科 Cardiology/Hematology
- 心肺功能测试 cardiorespiratory fitness tests
- 心血管疾病/心血管病 cardiovascular disease
- 心血管系统 cardiovascular system
- 护理安老院 care-and-attention home
- 职业女性 career women
- 铲上安全岛 careered on to a traffic island
- 爱抚 caress (n)/(vt); To caress is to gently touch someone in a way that shows you love them./His fingers caressed the back of her neck./ She gave the child a loving caress.
- 看更 caretakers
- 货机 cargo freighter/cargo plane