能改善因血液循环不足而导致的疾病 can relieve symptoms caused by insufficient blood
circulation可以经营个体户 can set up individual, wholly-owned retail shops仍能指挥国事/主持国政 can still direct the nation's affairs无法取得资金 can't get access to capital不能干涉内地法律制度 can't interfere in the mainland's legal system不能干涉内地法律制度 can't interfere in the mainland's legal system不能表现出丝毫脆弱 can't show any vulnerability加拿大(渥太华) Canada(Ottawa)苏伊士运河 Canal Suez五角以下的股票要除牌 cancel the listing of stocks priced below 50 cents取消工程的话要赔偿数亿美元的罚款 cancellation would incur hundreds of millions of dollars
in penalties取消原定的记者招待会 cancelled a scheduled press conference屡犯不改的公屋住户的单位将被收回 cancelling tenancies in public estates of repeat offenders
抗癌药物 cancer fighting drugs肝癌 cancer of the liver癌症研究日新月异 cancer research is moving quickly致癌化学物 cancer-causing chemical致癌物质 cancer-causing toxins选举采用比例代表制。 Candidates are elected under a proportional representation
system.落选的候选人 candidates who were not elected烛光晚会 candlelight vigil犬齿 canine大麻 Cannabis/Marijuana大麻 Cannabis/Marijuana不能承诺不再裁员 cannot guarantee no lay-offs 语际翻译 版权所有
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