中华总商会 Chinese General Chamber of Commerce中文信息处理 Chinese information processing汉语水平测试 Chinese Language Proficiency Test绍菜 Chinese Leaf唐生菜 Chinese Lettuce中华厂商联合会 Chinese Manufacturers' Association香港中华厂商联合会 Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong中医诊所 Chinese medicine clinics香港中医药管理委员会 Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong中医 Chinese medicine doctor/herb doctor芥菜 Chinese Mustard Cabbage已取得外国永久性居民身份的中国籍人士 Chinese nationals with permanent residency abroad中国人民解放军 Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)中国人民政治协商会议(政协) Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
中文中学 Chinese schools国务委员唐家璇重申中国政府会全力支持董建华/挺董。 Chinese state councillor Tang Jiaxuan reiterated
Beijing's strong support for Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa on Friday.中大学生将于今晚举行祈祷会,祈求上主宽恕港人的浪费恶习。 Chinese University students will also say a
prayer tonight asking for God's mercy for the wastage by Hong Kong people.中大学生会会长冯继远 Chinese University students' union president Fung Kai-yuen中华白海豚 Chinese White Dolphin中国作品 Chinese work中文报纸《天天日报》昨日结业。天天经营四十年,因竞争激烈和经济拮据而结业。 Chinese-language newspaper Tin Tin
Daily News closed yesterday after four decades of publishing, blaming fierce competition
and a flagging economy.程翔 Ching Cheong昭远坟场 Chiu Yuen Cemetery披衣菌肺炎 chlamydia pneumonia氯 Chlorine 语际翻译 版权所有
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