中国穷困和落后。 China was poor and backward.中国观察家 China watchers中国野生动物协会 China Wildlife Conservation Association中国会自行推动汇率改革。 China will push reform of the exchange rate on its own
initiative.中国加入世贸 China's accession to the WTO/China's entry to the WTO中国备受争议的一胎政策将会修改,容许部分市区家庭生第二个小孩。 China's controversial family-planning law
will be amended to allow some urban families to have a second child.预期中国经济本年增长百分之七点四,明年增长百分之七点二。由于经济体系大致封闭,加上国内需求强大,中国经济并未有受全球经济衰退拖累。 China's
economy is forecast to grow by 7.4 per cent this year and 7.2 per cent next year. The
mainland is largely insulated from the global downturn by its mostly closed economy and
strong domestic demand.中国经济过热。 China's economy is overheating.随着中国入世,越来越多人有兴趣到内地深造。 China's entry to the World Trade Organisation had
raised interest in studying in the mainland.中国加入世贸将给予商人大量机会进军利润潜力丰厚的中国市场。 China's entry to the WTO will provide
tremendous opportunities to tap the lucrative mainland market.中国首次平稳和合法的换班活动 China's first orderly and rule-based transfer of power中国和法国、德国及俄罗斯的立场一致,希望给予联合国武器调查员更多时间调查伊拉克。 China's leaders backed the
positions of France, Germany and Russia in seeking more time for UN weapons inspectors
to do their work in Iraq.中国新一代领导人 China's new leaders制定政策的中国官员可能缺乏金融工具来安排软着陆。 China's policymakers may lack the monetary tools
to engineer a soft landing.中国的太空计划 China's space programme中国概念股/红筹股 China-related stocks中国(北京) China(Beijing/Peking)中国科学院 Chinese Academy of Sciences中国社会科学院 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences银行华员会 Chinese Bankers Club华人基督教坟场 Chinese Christian Cemetary华员会会长黄河 Chinese Civil Servants' Association president Peter Wong Hyo香港政府华员会 Chinese Civil Servants' Association, HK长生壮阳药 Chinese elixirs for long life and flagging virility中国驻伊拉克大使馆职员 Chinese embassy officals in Iraq 语际翻译 版权所有
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