烧炭自杀 charcoal-burning suicides/commit suicide by charcoal-burning烧炭自杀的人 charcoal-burning victims被某人/某单位控以3项控罪 charged by somebody with 3 offences收取冷气费 charged extra for air-conditioning专科门诊服务应该加价。 Charges for specialist outpatient services have to be
increased.充电时间 charging time慈善活动 charitable activity慈善机构 charitable organization/charities慈善足球比赛 charity football matches慈善团体 charity groups/charitable organisations/charity organisations《花生漫画》作者舒尔茨 Charles Schulz星象图 chart of the night sky美国大通银行 Chase Manhattan Bank N.A.追贼 chasing a suspect聊天室 chat rooms在出勤纪碌上做手脚 cheat on their time books有外遇的丈夫 cheating husbands车臣游击队/车臣恐怖分子 Chechen terrorists车臣 Chechnya检查铝窗 check aluminium-framed windows身体检查 check-up/medical (n); have a medical看星座运程 checking out the horoscopes面颊 cheek芝士汉堡包 Cheeseburger赤?角 Chek Lap Kok 语际翻译 版权所有
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