子宫颈癌 cervical cancer该组识表示,子宫颈癌是本港第四常见的癌症,每年有五百宗新症,仅次于乳癌、肺癌和结肠癌。然而 ,香港女性对此病所知甚少。 Cervical cancer
was the fourth most common form of cancer in Hong Kong after cancer of breast, lung and
colon, with 500 new cases each year, yet Hong Kong women knew little about the disease,
the group said.颈椎 cervical vertebra子宫颈 cervix乍得(恩贾梅纳) Chad(N'djamena)柴湾 Chai Wan不停抽烟 chain-smoke把自己锁在一架客货车上 chained themselves to a van椅子 chair讲座教授 chair professors讲座教授 chair professors教统会主席梁锦松表示,没有仔细估计教育改革需要多少额外开支。 Chairman Antony Leung Kam-chung said no
detailed estimate of the extra costs the reform would entail had been made.恒生银行董事长邵铭高 chairman of Hang Seng Bank Michael Smith香港房屋委员会主席郑汉钧 Chairman of Hong Kong Housing Authority Cheng Hon-kwan病人互助组织联盟主席陈萃菁 Chairman of the Alliance for Patients' Mutual Health
Organisation Chan Sui-ching广播事务管理局主席梁乃鹏 Chairman of the Broadcasting Authority Norman Leung Nai-pang
民建联主席曾钰成表示,是次集会显示立法得到广大市民支持。 Chairman of the Democratic Alliance for
Betterment of Hong Kong, Tsang Yok-sing, said the rally showed the legislative proposals
had broad support.汇丰银行主席郑海泉 chairman of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Vincent
Cheng Hoi-chuen人体器官移植委员会主席梁刘柔芬 Chairman of the Human Organ Transplant Board Sophie Leung
Lau Yau-fun起居照顾及家务助理员协会主席郑清发 Chairman of the Personal Care Workers and Home Helpers
Association亲台的港九工团联合总会主席李国强 Chairman of the pro-Taiwan Hong Kong and Kowloon Trades
Union Council Lee Kwok-keung城市电讯主席黄维基 chairman Ricky Wong Wai-key粉笔 chalk针山 Cham Shan/Needle Hill变色龙 chameleon 语际翻译 版权所有
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