(广告)令观众感到不适 cause ill-feeling to the public造成大混乱 cause pandemonium会严重损害两岸关系,并为台湾带来灾难 cause severe damage to cross-strait relations and lead
the island to disaster导致气促和耳鸣 cause shortness of breath and ringing in the ears卷起一场政治动荡 caused a political storm造成一定交通挤塞 caused considerable traffic congestion造成党员脱党 caused defections搞事/制造事端 caused disorder搞事/制造事端 caused disorder对禽畜业造成重大打击 caused extensive damage to the livestock industry造成肺水肿 caused lungs to fill with fluid令公众对他的管治能力失去信心 caused the public to lose confidence in his governance导致不良于行 causes clumsiness of movement铜锣湾 Causeway Bay铜锣湾路边监察站 Causeway Bay roadside station造成大量出血 causing massive breeding警告除非没有新感染个案,否则不会撤销旅游警告 cautioned that its travel advisory would remain in
place until there are no new cases of infection骑兵 cavalry向工会要求屈服 caved in to union demands阴茎海绵体 cavernous body取消第一收容港政策 ceased being a port of first asylum宿雾太平洋航空 Cebu Pacific主持弥撒 celebrate mass庆祝39岁生日 celebrated his 39th birthday(娱乐界的)名人 celebrity 语际翻译 版权所有
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