成龙只是发表了简短声明,说倘若吴绮莉怀有自己骨肉,他会负责任。 Chan gave only a brief statement, saying
that if Elaine Ng Yi-lei's child turned out to be his, he would act responsibly.工业伤亡权益会总干事陈锦康 Chan Kam-hong, of the Association for the Rights of
Industrial Accidents Victims陈鉴林 Chan Kam-lam独立候选人陈少琼首次参选,挑战竞选连任的工业界(一)的自由党候选人丁午寿。 Chan Siu-king, non-affiliated, is
making her political debut against incumbent Kenneth Ting Woo-shou of the Liberal Party
in industrial first.陈婉娴 Chan Yuen-han长江三角洲 Chang Jiang Delta长江 Chang Jiang/Yangtze River转校 change school转校 change school为香港股市换上新面貌 change the face of the Hong Kong market改变现状 change the status quo改变他的管治方式 changed his style of governance业务重心转移到信息科技与通讯业 changed it focus to IT and communications转工、跳糟 changed jobs重新设定入闸机收费 changed price settings on the toll gates改变了这个国家的政治版图 changed the nation's political landscape给婴儿转用别的奶粉 changed their infants to other milk formulas改变政治立场,变得亲中或亲政府 changed their political stand to be more in line with the
central and Hong Kong governments改变策略 changed their strategy正名运动 changing the name of the island's state-owned enterprises and
diplomatic representative offices长沙 Changsha大叫倒董口号 chanted anti-Tung slogans高喊反美口号 chanted anti-U.S. slogans高叫口号,要求停止把政府服务私有化,和反对商人治港 chanted slogans calling for an end to
privatisation of government services and shouting their opposition to businessmen ruling
Hong Kong混乱 chaos (u); Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads./The house was
in chaos after the party. The country was thrown /plunged into chaos by the President's
death. 语际翻译 版权所有
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