

长寿与否很大程度取决于遗传。    A large part of longevity is dependent upon genetics.
大量证据显示他们牵涉于某事件中    a large volume of evidence which implicates them in something
超隆重欢迎    a lavish welcome
立法设定最低工资和最高工时    a law to guarantee a minimum wage and maximum working hours
香港管弦协会亦出现领导真空。    A leadership vacuum has also been allowed to develop at the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society.
一家主要银行和商会调高本地经济增长预测。    A leading bank and a business chamber raised their forecasts for the city's growth this year.
立法会专责委员会    a Legco select committee
民主派议员昨日向周一逝世的前共产党领袖赵紫阳致意,在混乱的情况下,立法会会议首度流会。    A Legislative Council meeting was abandoned for the first time yesterday amid chaotic scenes when pro-democracy legislators staged a tribute to deposed Communist Party leader Zhao Ziyang who died on Monday.
实行「博雅教育」的大学    a liberal arts college
实行「博雅教育」的大学    a liberal arts college
测谎    a lie-detector test
终身学习阶梯    a life-long learning ladder
终身学习阶梯    a life-long learning ladder
任职多年的区议员    a long-serving district board member
大部分散户在最后半小时离场。    A lot of retail investors got out of the game in the last half hour.
豪宅项目    a luxury real estate development
一名女佣被雇主强迫每日工作二十一小时,雇主并用厕所刷毒打女佣。    A maid was forced to work 21 hours a day and endure beatings with a toilet brush.
一名非法在港执业的大陆医师,非法替十五岁少女进行堕胎手术,昨日被判罪名成立。    A mainland doctor who was not allowed to practise in Hong Kong yesterday was found guilty of performing an illegal abortion on a girl, 15.
中国国家元首    a mainland head of state
男人可以怀胎,并以剖腹生产的方式,把婴儿生下来。    A man could carry an embryo and have it delivered by caesarean section.
昨日于屯门大兴发现一遭支解男尸,以粗盐腌着,藏在铁皮箱内。    A man's dismembered body was found buried in salt and stuffed in a metal trunk in a flat in Tuen Mun yesterday.
配对基金    a matching grant
政府很重视的事情    a matter that the Government places a great deal of importance on
医学研讨会    a medical conference
香港的大型商场    a mega shopping hall in Hong Kong
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