基本法起草委员会成员 a member of the Basic Law Drafting Committee中共中央政治局委员 a member of the Communist Party's Politburo有关中大和科大的合并事宜现阶段不宜再作探讨。 A merger of Chinese University and the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology (HKUST) should not be explored for now.有关中大和科大的合并事宜现阶段不宜再作探讨。 A merger of Chinese University and the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology (HKUST) should not be explored for now.中途站方案 a mid-way proposal香港民主发展的里程碑 a milestone for Hong Kong's democratic development人力资源错配 a mismatch in human resources为数至少一万名暴徒 a mob of at least 10000集会前将先就普选议题进行仿真公投。 A mock referendum on universal suffrage will be held
before the rally.温和派分子 a moderate一股潮湿偏东气流 a moist easterly airstream更有弹性的汇率制度 a more flexible exchange-rate mechanism更有新闻价值的节目 a more newsworthy programme恋母 a mother fixation昨日立法会经过五十分钟辩论后,通过议案促请政府鼓励大众使用可再生能源。 A motion calling on the Government to
encourage the use of renewable energy was passed last night after a 50-minute debate.
惜别动议 a motion of valediction符合邓小平经济改革的一步 a move relevant to Deng's economic reforms多才多艺的文字工匠 a multitalented wordsmith共同教学理念 a mutually compatible education philosophy共同教学理念 a mutually compatible education philosophy可怕的新变种 a nasty new variant对美国有大幅贸易顺差的国家 a nation that is running a massive trade surplus with the
U.S.恶臭令人作呕 a nauseating smell谈判策略 a negotiating tactic渡轮服务于昨日凌晨展开新一页。 A new chapter of ferry services started at midnight last
night. 语际翻译 版权所有
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