漏煤气 a gas leak聚会地点 a gathering place for members君子协定 a gentlemen's agreement巨型天幕 a giant canopy巨型户外电视屏幕 a giant outdoor TV screen一名政府法律专家 a government forensic expert政府消息来源指出,由于地铁私有化收益少于预期,本年度的财政赤字可能由六亿元增加到十一亿元。 A government source said the
estimated $6 billion deficit for the financial year might rise to $11 billion because of
the lower-than-expected revenue from privatisation of the Mass Transit Railway
Corporation.任何负责任的政府,都不会完全听从民调。 A government which is totally dragged by the nose by
opinion polls is not a responsible government.宽限期 a grave period呼声越来越高 a groundswell of opinion导盲犬 a guide-dog for the blind枪战 a gun battle禁飞了半个世纪,两岸直航昨天正式解禁。 A half-century ban on direct links between the two
sides of the Taiwan Strait was officially circumvented yesterday.半裸的何伟途 a half-naked Mr Ho少数香港人曾因重婚罪而在内地被判入狱,但这些个案着实不多。 A handful of Hong Kong men have been jailed
on the mainland for bigamy offences but convictions are rare.一个既快乐又富正义感的人 a happy person with a sense of righteousness一个既快乐又富正义感的人 a happy person with a sense of righteousness祥和的社会气氛 a harmonious social environment临时安排的记者招待会 a hastily arranged press briefing儿童发展先导计划 a Head Start Programme on Child Development儿童发展先导计划 a Head Start Programme on Child Development一个人人都会有共鸣的温馨故事 a heart-warming story that everyone can relate to待产大陆女子 a heavily pregnant mainland woman高地价政策 a high land-price policy高科技公司 a high-tech company 语际翻译 版权所有
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