- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 原则上同意本港在 2008年进行全面普选agreed in principle that Hong Kong should have universal suffrage by 2008
- 相信机上 225名乘客已全数罹难。All 225 people aboard the aircraft are believed dead.
- 一名 23岁的女教友a 23-year-old female church member
- 中国铝业股份有限公司( 2600)Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd.
- 直至目前为止,沙士在全球已感染 2890人,并造成116人死亡。At last count, SARS has killed 116 people and infected 2,890 worldwide.
- 带来 306宗投诉attract 306 complaints
- 一名早产两个月的仅 38日大的婴儿a 38-day-old baby who was born two months prematurely
- 高级公务员 4.99的加薪幅度偏高,可能会在商界引起连锁反应。A 4.99 per cent rise for senior employees was too high and could cause a chain reaction in the private sector.
- 行走 40号线的九巴a Kowloon motor Bus on route 40
- 容纳近 40条巴士路线靠站的巴士站a stop designated for almost 40 routes
- 估计在香港每年有5, 500人死于和吸烟有关的疾病。An estimated 5,500 people die from smoking-related illnesses each year in Hong Kong.
- 平均呎价 5200元are selling at an average of $5,200 per square foot
- 一名 53岁妇女被带往警署协助调查。A 53-year-old woman was taken to the police station to assist with investigations.
- 在九龙塘一所幼儿园中, 61名学童染上神秘感冒菌。A mystery flu virus has struck down 61 children at a Kowloon Tong kindergarten.
- 连续两年没有考生获得 6A. For the second year in succession, no candidate scored six straight As.
- 缆车从 80米高空堕下a cable car plunged 80 metres
- 威尔斯亲王医院 8A病房Ward 8A of Prince of Wales Hospital
- 在油麻地,一块一平方米的玻璃自一座商业大厦脱落,跌在一辆车上。 A 1-square-metre piece of glass dropped from a commercial building in Yau Ma Tei onto a car.
- 礼炮鸣放十九响。 A 19-gun salute was fired.
- 一名三十五岁的癌症病患者从十一楼跃身跳下致死。 A 35-year-old cancer patient plunged 11 floors to her death.
- 中国人保甫上市就劲升百分之五十,刺激大量投资者认购新股,期望轻易地在极短时间内获得可观利润。 A 50 per cent jump in the share price of fellow insurer PICC Property & Casualty on its trading debut last month has unleashed huge public interest in new offerings, with investors betting on rapid price appreciation and easy profits.
- 五公里长横跨后海湾的双程三线行车高速公路 a 5km dual three-lane expressway spanning Deep Bay
- 龙年效应 a baby boom in the last Year of the Dragon
- 一种禁用的代糖 a banned sweetener
- 谈判筹码 a bargaining chip