- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 浴巾 a bath towel
- 心理战 a battle for hearts and minds
- 深受爱戴的国王 a beloved king
- 只有透过进一步的接触和沟通,才能达致更良好的关系。 A better relationship will only be forged through further contact and dialogue.
- 引起激烈争论的会议 a bitterly disputed special session of something
- 交通黑点 a blackspot
- 一架九巴双层巴士烧通顶 a blaze ripped through a KMB double-decker bus
- 现场有一把染有血渍的斧头。 A bloodstained axe was found at the scene.
- 一宗电话亭爆炸案 a bomb blast at a phone booth
- 一队拆弹专家奉命到机场移除机上可疑物品。 A bomb disposal team was called to the airport to remove the suspicious material from the plane.
- 骨髓验血行动 a bone marrow campaign
- 黎巴嫩境内的边境地区 a border area within Lebanese territory
- 以一百万元行贿某人 a bride of $1 million was paid to somebody
- 港珠澳大桥 a bridge linking Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai/Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai bridge
- 英式的两院制 a British-style bicameral model
- 一句佛偈 a Buddhist maxim
- 预算开始有赤字 a burgeoning budget deficit
- 点着了的蚊香 a burning mosquito coil
- 美国资产泡沫爆破 a bursting of the asset bubble in the United States
- 商业杂志 a business magazine
- 一种致癌化学物 a cancer-causing chemical
- 走资派 a capitalist roader
- 车匙 a car key
- 二十四罐装可口可乐 a case of 24 cans of Coca-Cola
- 1997年签定的停火协议展开了和平之路。 A ceasefire agreement in 1997 laid the foundations for peace.