传染病防治中心 a centre for infectious-disease control慈善拍卖会 a charity auction一架保安严密的包机 a chartered plane bristling with security丈夫有外遇的香港太太 a cheated Hong Kong wife化武袭击 a chemical-weapons attack父母离异的孩童 a child of divorce外国公司早就垂涎中国这个市场 a Chinese market over which foreign companies have long
drool中式酒楼 a Chinese restaurant古典音乐表演场地 a classical-music venue八党联盟 a coalition of eight political parties彩色荧幕/彩色屏幕 a colour screen公益金慈善活动 a Community Chest charity function社会服务令 a community service order小型客货车 a compact minivan未能达成全面协议。 A complete agreement was out of reach.全面的学历认可机制 a comprehensive mechanism for qualifications全面的学历认可机制 a comprehensive mechanism for qualifications音乐厅 a concert hall石屎森林 a concrete jungle爱滋病的集散中心 a confluence of HIV领事职员 a consulate official一名领事馆发言人 a consulate spokesman咨询文件 a consultation paper一对情侣在一单位烧炭自杀身亡。 A couple was found dead near burned charcoal in a flat.
去年一名十七岁学童在一制冰厂做暑期工,时薪二十元。他在工作的第一天就发生意外,被切下一脚,制冰厂昨日被法庭判罚四万元。 A court has
fined an ice-making factory $40000 after a 17-year-old pupil doing a summer job at $20
an hour had its foot severed in an ice machine on his first day of work last year. 语际翻译 版权所有
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