一款高科技、更省油的小引擎 a high-tech, more fuel efficient small engine很灵巧的战机 a highly agile fighter历史人物 a historic character历史性时刻 a historic moment没有法律效力的历史文件 a historical document with no legal standing没有法律效力的历史文件 a historical document with no legal standing职业杀手 a hitman土制炸弹 a home-made bomb自制有一发子弹上膛的猎枪 a home-made shotgun loaded with a cartridge罪恶温床 a hotbed of crime有吐露港海景的酒店 a hotel overlooking Tolo Harbour能令人体致癌物质 a human carcinogen人权组织 a human rights organisation人道大灾难 a humanitarian catastrophe一个日本右翼团体 a Japanese right-wing group耶和华见证人的教徒 a Jehovah's Witness联合救援行动 a joint relief operation知识型社会 a knowledge-based economy/society知识型社会 a knowledge-based economy/society缺乏政治智能 a lack of ''political sensitivity''连最基本的安全措施也没有 a lack of even rudimentary safety measures堆填区 a landfill site三四楼梯间的楼梯平台 a landing between the third and fourth floors伶仃洋大桥的落脚点 a landing point in Hong Kong for the Lingdingyang Bridge空置单位存货量很多 a large inventory of empty flats 语际翻译 版权所有
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