一个以普选为核心的政纲 a platform built around universal suffrage求情 a plea for mercy警方已展开调查,但尚未提出任何检控。 A police investigation was launched, but no prosecution
has yet been brought.一名警方发言人表示 a police spokesman said警方发言人表示,他们通常会在申请后三天发出不反对通知书。 A police spokesman said normally a notice of
no objection would be issued three days after the application was made.一名纠缠于三角恋的警员 a policeman involved in a love triangle政界的局外人 a political outsider政治阴谋/政治陷害/政治陷阱 a politically inspired frame-up/a political frame-up可能放宽输入内地专才 a possible relaxation on the importation of mainland
professionals美国发生第三宗怀疑感染炭疽菌个案。佛罗里达不久前有人感染炭疽菌死亡,及后在他的一名同事的鼻子也发现此夺命病菌。 A possible third
case of anthrax infection has been found in the United States following the death of one
sufferer in Florida and the discovery of the deadly germ in the nose of a co-worker.
游行前的祈祷会 a pre-march prayer session大规模裁员的先兆/前奏 a prelude to mass lay-offs减价战 a price war私家诊所 a private medical clinic两人之间的私下谈话 a private tete-a-tete一份亲中报章 a pro-Beijing Chinese daily一名民主派人士 a pro-democracy advocate民主集会 a pro-democracy rally民主派保钓人士 a pro-democrat Diaoyu activist职业病 a professional hazard持续高烧 a prolonged hay fever示威区 a protest zone公屋居民/公屋租户 a public housing tenant犯上泄露国家机密罪或许准以公众利益作为抗辩理由。 A public interest defence may also be introduced
for the offence of disclosure of state secrets.北京的傀儡 a puppet of Beijing 语际翻译 版权所有
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