- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 蛇王 a snack catcher
- 连串电话亭爆炸案 a spate of phone-box bombings
- 连串公屋丑闻 a spate of public housing scandals
- 自由贸易特区 a special free-trade zone
- 春茗 a spring reception
- 空军队 a squadron
- 身份象征 a status symbol
- 股市预测人 a stock market tipster
- 粪便样本 a stool sample
- 和中国的战略性伙伴关系 a strategic partnership with China
- 一连串爆炸事件 a string of blasts
- 一连串的内部问题 a string of internal problems
- 代课老师 a substitute teacher
- 怀疑个案 a suspected case
- 决定背后有政治考虑 a suspicion that political considerations lie behind the decision
- 利用拆弹机械人把可疑包裹引爆 a suspicious package was destroyed by a police robot
- 同情票 a sympathy vote
- 温驯的傀儡 a tame puppet
- 密宗巫师 a tantric sorcerer
- 助教 a teaching assistant
- 警方昨日表示,一名在五月至本月期间袭击了六名孕妇的青年已落网。 A teenager has been arrested in connection with attacks on six pregnant women at public housing estates in Wong Tai Sin between May and this month, police said yesterday.
- 已设立电话热线 a telephone hot-line has been set up
- 电视转播的演讲 a televised speech
- 董特首多年来的老调/陈腔滥调 a theme that Mr Tung has harped on about for years
- 影响信息的自由流通 a threat to the free flow of information