- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 中国拒绝美国军机在本港降落。 A US military aircraft has been refused permission by Beijing to land in Hong Kong.
- 公投的大日子 a very important day for the referendum vote
- 资深节目主持人 a veteran game-show host
- 原爆受害者 a victim of the A-bomb
- 一种亚洲特有的爱滋病毒品种 a viral strain unique to Asia
- 天外来客/从外层空间来的客人 a visitor from outer space
- 维他命 A Vitamin A
- 选民登记宣传 a voter registration campaign
- 和党内元老司徒华进行笔战 a war of words with party veteran Szeto Wah
- 浪费公帑 a waste of public money
- 有海景,毗邻巴士总站和商场 a waterfront location and close proximity to a public transport terminus and a shopping arcade
- 不听话的青年 a wayward teenager
- 弱势政府 a weak government
- 弱势日圆政策 a weak-yen policy
- 日元持续贬值,人民币亦受压 a weakening yen will put pressure on the renminbi to devaluate
- 周末消遣活动 a weekend diversion
- 福利国家 a welfare state
- 一个发展健全的政党 a well-developed party
- 经济成长的泉源 a wellspring of growth
- 衡量破坏程度时完全错误 a wholly erroneous estimate of the damage
- 普遍使用的药方 a widely prescribed medication
- 世界和内地连接的窗户 a window on the world for the Mainland
- 希望由内部晋升 a wish for internal promotion
- 女性(如堕胎)不可怀孕超过六个月,十八岁以下的要得到家长同意。 A woman also must not be more than six months pregnant, and needs parental consent if under 18.
- 舞女谋杀案昨日展开首日聆讯,案情透露一名舞女遭人虐杀,犯人杀人后把尸体支解并烹熟弃置,然后把死者头部缝合于吉蒂猫公仔内。 A woman was tortured and her body dismembered, cooked and dumped —— with her head stuffed inside a Hello Kitty doll, a jury heard yesterday on the opening day of her murder trial.