- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 接受婚前性行为 accept the idea of pre-marital sex
- 收受下属利益 accepted advantages from his subordinates
- 收受贿款和非法政治献金 accepting bribes and illegal campaign donations
- 接受妓女的免费性服务 accepting free sex from prostitutes
- 香港意外保险公会 Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong
- 同党、同谋 accomplice
- 污点证人 accomplice-turned-prosecution witness
- 根据官方数字/根据官方统计 according to official figures/according to offical statistics
- 根据最新官方数字 according to the latest official figures
- 户口号码 account number
- 服务月费 account service fee
- 官员的问责性 accountability of officials
- 问责制 accountability system
- 会计界 Accountancy
- 会计花招/造数 accounting shenanigans
- 被廉署指收取十万元保护费 accused by the ICAC of having accepted $100,000 in protection money
- 指责政府明益地产商 accused the administration of favouring big developers with the deal
- 批评政府只顾讨好商界巨贾 accused the Government of pandering to the interests of property tycoons
- 指责政府企图压制反对声音 accused the government of trying to silence opposition
- 指责(记者的报道)影响了他们的生计 accused them of jeopardising their livelihoods
- 宏碁已再度跃升为全球第五大计算机品牌。 Acer has since rebounded to become the No.5 computer brand in the world.
- 在零六至零七年财政年度达致收支平衡 achieve a balanced budget by 2006-07/achieve a fiscal balance by 2006-07
- 尽可能提高透明度 achieve a high degree of transparency
- 获得媒体广泛报导 achieved extensive media coverage
- 获得八优或以上佳绩 achieved Grade A's in at least eight subjects