- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 此外,有约一百名病人正在等候接受肝脏移植手术。(今年头九个月)只有十三名肝脏病人能够接受移植手术。 About 100 people are also awaiting liver transplants, with only 13 carried out in the nine-month period.
- 约有一百八十名居民要疏散。 About 180 residents had to be evacuated.
- 电讯盈科约有二百一十万名家庭用户。 About 2.1 million households subscribe to PCCW-HKT.
- 自去年实施自由行以来,共有约二百六十万名内地旅客以自由行身份来港旅游。 About 2.6 million mainlanders have travelled individually to Hong Kong since the solo travel scheme was implemented a year ago.
- 大部分内地旅客来自珠三角,其中百分之七十来港渡假,其余来港探亲。 About 70 per cent of individual mainland travellers, mostly from the Pearl River Delta, came to Hong Kong for holidays, and the rest to visit relatives.
- 约有七成工作无须工作经验。 About 70 per cent of the jobs offered required no previous experience.
- 约有半数学生获派首个志愿。 About half have been given their first-choice.
- 石礼谦 Abraham Shek Lai-him
- 磨损 abrasion
- 脓疮 abscess
- 药棉 absorbent totton/cotton wool ball
- 斋戒、禁欲 abstinence (u)
- 阿布格莱布监狱 Abu Ghraib jail
- 滥用抗生素 abuse of antibiotics
- 谩骂式人身攻击 abusive personal attacks
- (小六)学能测验 Academic Aptitude Test
- 学术水平 academic standards
- 学者 academics
- 学者 academics
- 学者批评拨款委员会干预大学自主。 Academics criticised the grants committee for infringing on university autonomy.
- 学者警告不要预期双方关系会在一夜间转好。 Academics warned not to expect a total thaw in relations overnight.
- 加快弹颏速度 accelerate impeachment
- 加快经济改革进程 accelerate the process of economic reform
- 加速开放国内市场 accelerated the opening of the mainland market
- 接受外界援助 accept outside help