- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 三角竞逐 a three-cornered race
- 港元储蓄存款分层利率架构 a tiered interest rate structure for Hong Kong dollar savings deposits
- 政府拨款十四亿元,补助的士司机,转用污染较少的石油气。 A total of 1.4 billion has been earmarked for grants to owners to help them switch to the use of a cleaner fuel - liquefied petroleum gas.
- 一万一千名公安在街上及球场里戒备。 A total of 11,000 police had been drafted on to the streets of the city and in the stadium.
- 上月共有292,134人领取综援,比四月上升百分之零点二。 A total of 292,134 people received Comprehensive Social Security Assistance payments last month, up 0.2 per cent from April.
- 共有八十九名候选人竞逐二十四个直选议席。 A total of 89 contenders are fighting for 24 directly elected seats.
- 已有四家大学决定下周罢课,抗议削减大学拨款。 A total of four universities have decided to boycott classes next week to protest against the proposed education funding cuts.
- 港股一日内市值蒸发了一百零九亿一千万港元。 A total of HK$10.91 billion was wiped from the local market's capitalisation in a single day.
- 水资源管理政策 a Total Water Management policy
- 英国自周二起实行新的移民法,比以前严苛。 A tough new immigration law goes into effect in Britain Tuesday.
- 一项严格的隔离新政策 a tough new quarantine policy
- 先驱 a trailblazer
- 院校间互通的学分制 a transferable credit unit system/a credit-transfer system
- 院校间互通的学分制 a transferable credit unit system/a credit-transfer system
- 临时急救中心 a trauma centre
- 知识宝藏 a treasure of knowledge
- 试用版本 a trial version
- 真正以民为本的政府 a truly people-centred government
- 两派间的激烈辩争 a tug-of-war
- 两房单位 a two-bedroom flat
- 一条两米长的过山乌 a two-meter king cobra
- 两党制 a two-party system
- 持双程证人士 a two-way permit holder
- 两年任期符合基本法的立法原意。 A two-year term was consistent with the Basic Law's legislative intent.
- 一名美国反恐官员 a U.S. counterterrorism official