电台访问 a radio interview罕有的输血过敏 a rare allergic reaction to a blood transfusion后楼梯 a rear staircase(创下)十年来最大的单日点数和百分比跌幅纪录 a record single-day point fall and the biggest
percentage drop in 10 years冻结卖地,收入减少,财赤恶化。 A reduction in proceeds stemming from the auction freeze
will aggravate the city's budget deficit.全民公决决定是否独立 a referendum on formal independence举行公投以决定零七年应否实施普选等同挑战中央权威。 A referendum on whether Hong Kong should
introduce universal suffrage by 2007 would result in a challenge to the central
government's authority.改革风暴快要来临。 A reform blitz was coming.为机场填海工程带来的环境破坏而作出的补救措施 a remedy for the pollution caused by the airport
reclamation港英余孽 a remnant of the British colonial legacy对低收入家庭来说是遥不可及的梦想 a remote dream for low-income families后补机师 a replacement pilot/fill-in pilot救生垫 a rescue cushion一份研究报告 a research report一名回港旅客 a returning tourist修改数学课程 a revamp of the maths curriculum修改数学课程 a revamp of the maths curriculum日本军国主义复辟 a revival of Japanese militarism炒风重现 a revival of speculation政府、商界和学界之间的旋转门机制 a revolving door mechanism between government, business
and academia联系不紧密,有缺口 a rift and lax communication不公平的选举 a rigged election敌对公司 a rival firm普选路线图 a road map towards universal suffrage人权法治倒退 a rolling back of human rights and rule of law 语际翻译 版权所有
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