- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 乡村学校 a rural school
- 乡村学校 a rural school
- (非典型肺炎)疫埠 a Sars-infected port
- 卫星碟 a satellite dish
- 警方搜查疑犯位于元朗的住所,未有发现进一步的破案线索。 A search in the man's home in Yuen Long did not provide police with further investigation leads.
- 一名台湾高官昨日承认有外遇。 A senior Taiwan official admitted yesterday to having an extramarital affair.
- 连串贪污丑闻 a series of corruption scandals
- 严重的长远医疗融资问题 a serious long-term problem of health-care funding
- 影子内阁 a shadow cabinet
- 空壳公司 a shelf company
- 疑因电线短路引致火警。 A short-circuit may have started the fire.
- 楼市短期回落对长远发展有利。 A short-term pullback in the property market would be healthy for its long-term development.
- 示弱 a sign of weakness
- 国际人权公约的签约国 a signatory to international covenants on human rights
- 很多爱滋病患者在亚洲遭受歧视。 A significant proportion of Aids patients encountered discrimination in Asia.
- 迈向普选的重要一步 a significant step towards universal suffrage
- 简单税制 a simple tax regime
- 单一事件不足入罪 a single incident will not suffice
- 一架单层巴士失控,跌下山坡五米 a single-decker bus spun out of control and plunged five metres down a slope
- 阴险和难以捉摸的人物 a sinister, shadowy figure
- 中日关系专家 a Sino-Japanese relations expert
- 六包装维他柠檬茶 a six-pack of Vita lemon tea
- 轻微的学费加幅对低收入的家庭来说都会是一个重担。 A slight increase in fees would impose a heavy burden on low-income families.
- 抹黑民主党的手段 a smear tactic against the Democrats
- 禁烟政策 a smoke-free policy