亚洲电视有限公司 Asia Television Ltd.亚洲最受旅客欢迎的城市 Asia's number one tourist destination亚太工商研究所 Asia-Pacific Institute of Business亚洲艺术早在十八世纪已在美国扎根。 Asian art had a foothold in the U.S. as early as the 18th
century.亚裔美籍大提琴家马友友 Asian-American cellist Yo-Yo Ma韩亚航空公司 Asiana Airlines请求某人签名 ask for somebody's autograph要求和董建华面谈 asked for a face-to-face meeting with Tung Chee-hwa要求重新点票 asked for a recount of votes要求进行坠胎和绝育手术 asked for an abortion and sterilisation申请暂缓缴税 asked for their salary tax bills to be deferred要求叶太收回言论 asked Mrs Ip to withdraw her comments就一名三岁男童的居港权问题要求最高法院向人大寻求释法 asked the top court to seek Beijing's guidance
on a right-of-abode battle involving a three-year-old boy在重大议题上请新华社帮手拉票 asked Xinhua to help lobby members for support on important
issues要求补地价 asking for a higher land premium鲜露笋 Asparagus白豆角 Asparagus Beans阿斯匹林/阿士匹灵 aspirin使用暴力的人 assailant行弒者 assailants袭击伤人罪 assault occasioning actual bodily harm突击步枪 assault rifle殴打并企图抢劫十三岁女事主 assaulted a 13-year-old girl with intent of rob袭警 assaulting police宣示中国主权 assert Chinese sovereignty over them 语际翻译 版权所有
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