七月起接受申请 are pencilled in for applications from July计划参加直选 are planning to go for direct election侧重物业转让工作 are preoccupied with conveyancing很受广告和潮流影响 are quite influenced by trends and the ads不想回家,怕感染亲友 are reluctant to go home for fear of infecting family and
friends必须在机场酒店或自己家中隔离十日 are required to stay put for 10 days in airport hotels or
their homes以回国会被处死为由在加拿大寻求政治庇护 are seeking political asylum in Canada on the grounds
that they would be executed if sent back被灌输战术和宗教狂热思想 are steeped in battle tactics and religious fanaticism(股价)依然过高 are still excessively priced仍记忆犹新 are still fresh in the memory每日饮水量不足 are still not consuming enough liquid each day仍然未能买齐书 are still struggling to buy complete sets of textbooks for their
children将要拆卸 are to be torn down今日的学生比以往的学生的情绪更脆弱吗? Are today's students more emotionally fragile than
their predecessors?很有可能会患上严重遗传病 are tragically susceptible to serious congenital illnesses
被隔离十四日 are under 14-day quarantine性关系很随便 are very casual about sexual relationships擅长心理战 are very good at conducting psychologial warfare(人)食极都唔肥/吃再多也不会胖 are wafer-thin no matter what we eat警告明天海底隧道会大塞车 are warning of severe cross-harbour traffic congestion
tomorrow戒奶 are weaned off milk乳晕 areola/areolae(pl)西星斑 Areolated Coral Grouper阿根廷(布宜诺斯艾利斯) Argentina(Buenos Aires)坚称自己有出色的地区工作表现,关注民生议题 argued they had performed well for constituents on
concrete livelihood improvements 语际翻译 版权所有
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