要求法院判决前向人大寻求释法 argues that the case needs to go to the National People's
Congress before the Hong Kong court rules on the matter手臂 arm印尼武装部队总司令维兰托 Armed forces chief General Wiranto武警 armed military police officers/armed police持械行劫 armed robberies持枪 armed with a handgun亚美尼亚(埃里温) Armenia(Yerevan)腋窝 armpit对台售武计划 arms-sales plan for Taiwan港人每日食约十万只生鸡。 Around 100,000 live chickens are consumed each day.引人怀疑他正在为独立打下基础 arouse suspicions that he is laying the groundwork for
independence安排相见 arrange a rendezvous不整脉 arrhythmia收到火警电话后,在六分钟内到达现场 arrived at the scene six minutes after receiving calls
在过去十年才来自全中国各地 arrived from across China only in the past decade由欧洲运往大陆 arrived from Europe for shipment to the mainland抵港班机 arriving flight纵火者 arsonist/fire-raiser艺术收藏家 art collectors艺廊 art gallery青蒿素(抗疟疾) artemisinine小动脉 arteriloes动脉硬化 arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis动脉 artery关节炎 arthritis 语际翻译 版权所有
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