对派位表示失望 are disappointed by their placements对内地法治感到不满 are dissatisfied with the mainland's rule of law豁免基准试 are exempt from the test将会在大陆受审 are expected to face trial on the mainland熟悉香港事务 are familiar with Hong Kong affairs(房屋)脆弱 are flimsily built互相割喉竞争 are frantically cutting one another's throats是双方的善意 are gestures of goodwill from both sides受利润管制协议监管 are governed by the regulatory scheme of control对人畜无害 are harmless to humans and animals有不安全的性行为 are having unprotected sex追捕恐怖份子/恐怖分子 are hunting for the terrorists可因某事而被起诉控告 are indictable for something对美国强烈偏袒以色列深感愤怒 are inflamed by the strong US bias toward Israel正在调查塌棚事件 are investigating the collapse请外国人来干预中国事务 are inviting foreign interference in Chinese affairs是个别事件 are isolated incidents很可能吸纳到中间选民的同情票 are likely to gain many sympathy votes from undecided voters
一毛不拔的 are meticulous about every little cent they spend较易恐慌性拋售 are more susceptible to being caught in panic selling沽售股票套现 are moving out of stocks into cash不利师生关系 are not conducive to a positive relationship between young people
and their teachers没有法律约束力 are not legally binding没有法律约束力 are not legally binding获提供两个赔偿方案 are offered two options for settlement 语际翻译 版权所有
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