基本法第二十三条 Article 23 of the Basic Law四十五条关注组 Article 45 Concern Group工艺品/精品 artifacts人造香料 artificial flavourings/artificial flavours人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)义肢 artificial limb/prosthesis/prostheses(pl)人工鱼礁 artificial reefs被人为地压低了的人民币币值 artificially low value of the yuan炮兵 artillery艺术发展 artistic development艺术中心 arts centre艺术团体 arts groupsM太平洋科技有限公司(0522)ASM Pacific Technology Ltd. AS作为和日本进行贸易谈判时讨价还价的筹码 as a bargaining chip to extract other trade concessions
from Tokyo结果,提名程序变成选举程序。 As a result, the nomination process became the election
process.正当共产主义式微 as communism ebbed因为已进入司法程序,所以不便响应。 As legal proceedings were under way it would be
inappropriate to comment.因为已进入司法程序,所以不便响应。 As legal proceedings were under way it would be
inappropriate to comment.只要「一个中国」不是前提或原则,两岸就甚么都可以谈,包括「一个中国」这个议题。 As long as 'one China' is not a
principle, but rather an item for discussion, there is nothing that couldn't be
discussed in cross-strait dialogue.只要在民主、和平与对等的原则下,两岸之间正式的接触、对话、协商与谈判,随时都能够展开。 As long as the official
contacts, dialogue and negotiations were held under the principle of democracy, peace
and equality, he was ready for the talks any time.身为特首,应该向中央反映意见。 As the chief executive, he should reflect the views to
Beijing.美元汇价转强 as the US dollar recovers朝日新闻(日) Asahi Shinbun东南亚国家联盟(东盟) ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)油价高企对亚洲的冲击特别大。 Asia is particularly vulnerable to the impact of high oil
prices. 语际翻译 版权所有
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