昨晚八时,梁锦松正式向特首请辞。 At 8pm last night, Mr Leung formally submitted his
resignation to the chief executive.有较高机会患肺癌 at a heightened risk of lung cancer在今日的立法会会议上 at a meeting of Legco today在适当时候 at an appropriate time全速生产时,康顿市的工厂每年可生产四十万辆汽车,包括轿车、小型客货车、休旅车和小卡车。 At full capacity, the Canton
plant can produce 400,000 vehicles a year, including sedans, minivans, SUVs and pickups.
火势同时蔓延至至少十五架车、二十架电单车和数架巴士。 At least 15 cars, 20 motorcycles and a number of
buses were also gutted.蛇头为逃避水警追截,不惜推女人蛇落海。最少有六人溺毙,另有四人失踪。 At least six women from the mainland
were drowned and four others were missing yesterday after human smugglers forced them to
jump into the sea while fleeing Taiwanese coastguard patrols.蛇头为逃避水警追截,不惜推女人蛇落海。最少有六人溺毙,另有四人失踪。 At least six women from the mainland
were drowned and four others were missing yesterday after human smugglers forced them to
jump into the sea while fleeing Taiwanese coastguard patrols.已有最少两人被捕 at least two people had been declared suspect在旺角,人龙一度长达五万人,绕着亚皆老街、上海街、窝打老道和砵兰街打蛇饼。 At one point in Mongkok, a queue of
50,000 snaked along Argyle Street, Shanghai Street, Waterloo Road and Portland
Street.???在新加坡机场,入境旅客减少了百分之五十。酒店入住率只有百分之三十。 At Singapore's airport, visitor arrivals
are down by 50 percent. Only 30 percent of the hotel rooms thare are occupied.在银河系中心 at the center of the galaxy在太阳系中心 at the center of the solar system主权移交的时刻 at the change of sovereignty在波斯富街和轩尼斯道交界 at the corner of Percival Street and Hennessy Road经过四个半小时辩论,议员以三十九票赞成,九票反对,六票弃权,通过由民主党成员提出的动议。 At the end of a 4 1/2 - hour
debate, members voted in favour of the Democrat-sponsored motion by 39 to mine, with six
abstentions.发表声明后,涂谨申鞠躬道歉。 At the end of the statement, Mr To bowed in apology.在抗炎前线 at the forefront of the fight against Sars科技股热潮达高峰时 at the height of the frenzy over Internet stocks上班最繁忙时间 at the height of the morning rush hour在沙士高峰期 at the height of the Sars crisis现时,冲红灯会扣三分。 At the moment, red-light jumping results in three demerit
points.无神论 atheism香港脚 Athlete's foot亚特兰大 Atlanta 语际翻译 版权所有
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