国际偷运人蛇集团 an international human smuggling gang国际笑话 an international joke调查操纵股价事件 an investigation into alleged share price manipulation警方已悬红三百万台币(七十万港币)缉拿凶徒。 An NT$3 million (HK$700,000) reward has been offered
for information leading to the capture of the culprit.一名休班警员 an off-duty policeman该罪最高刑罚为死刑 an offence that carries a maximum penalty of death运油货车 an oil tanker网上相簿 an online photo album公开的秘密 an open secret公开招标过程 an open tendering process权力平稳移交 an orderly transfer of power预防胜于治疗。 An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of care.反抗萨达姆的起义运动 an uprising against Saddam消费疲弱 anaemic consumption消费意欲薄弱 anaemic consumption demand无氧呼吸 anaerobic respiration麻醉师 anaesthetist肛门括约肌 anal sphincter分析员预期恐慌性拋售会把恒指推低至一万五千五百点以下水平。 Analysts forecast panic selling could push
the Hang Seng Index below 15,500 points.分析员表示中国政府藉成克杰一案显示政府严打贪污。 Analysts said Beijing was holding Cheung up as a
signal to the public to show it was serious about cracking down on government graft.
分析家指中国和其它世贸成员就此两项事项分歧,会延迟中国加入世贸的时间。中国原定今年稍后时间加入世贸。 Analysts said divergence
over the two issues could put China's expected admission later this year behind
schedule.分析家指投资者对施政报告缺乏改善经济措施感失望。 Analysts said investors were disappointed with the
lack of measures to boost the economy.摩苏尔昨日进入无政府状态,市民四处抢掠。 Anarchy and looting enveloped Mosul yesterday.安纳托利亚高原 Anatolian Plateau主要租客 anchor tenant 语际翻译 版权所有
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