濑尿虾 Amntis Shrimp在男同性恋者间 among the gay community紫金矿业继首日上市大升百分之七十二后,再升二十五仙,收报五元九角五分。上周挂牌的中国人寿亦升五角,收报五元八角。 Among the new
listings, Fujian Zijin Mining rose 25 cents to $5.95 after soaring 72 per cent on its
trading debut on Tuesday while China Life Insurance, which listed last week, added
another 50 cents to $5.80.有份参与七一游行的人当中,百分之八十一表示明天会投票。 Among those who have participated in
demonstrations following July 1, 81 per cent said they would vote tomorrow.热恋中的情侣 amorous couples分期偿还债务 amortisation冰/安菲他命 Amphetamines冰/安菲他命 Amphetamines(外科手术)切断、截肢 amputate截肢的人 amputee弃婴 an abandoned baby由政务官出任纪律部队首长 an administrative officer parachuting into a top disciplined
serviced post代表工会的立法会议员刘千石的助手 an aide to unionist legislator Lau Chin-shek空运中心/航空中心 an air hub机票 an air ticket/airline ticket/plane tickets怀疑同党 an alleged accomplice一名淘大花园居民 an Amoy Garden resident异象、异常现象 an anomaly打击邪教法 an anti-cult law反政府运动 an anti-government movement被拒保释候审。 An application of bail pending appeal was refused.计划改建为旅游区 an area targeted for redevelopment as a tourist site一名来港旅客 an arriving passenger???天文数字的捐款 an astronomical donation没有成功驳回断肢。 An attempt to re-attach it was unsuccessful. 语际翻译 版权所有
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