

容纳不同声音    allow different voices to be heard
让中学自行收多些学生    allow secondary schools more discretion
容许员工在家工作    allow some staff to work from home
放任当地货币贬值    allowing a devaluation of the local currency
让置业人士最多可以做九成按揭    allowing buyers to mortgage up to 90 per cent of a home purchase
过去五年让香港实施高度自治    allowing Hong Kong to exercise a high degree of autonomy over the past five years
全能者、上帝    Almighty
肉眼几乎看不见    almost invisible to the naked eye
施舍物    alms
芦荟(治便秘)    aloe
阿尔卑斯山    Alps
已有好几个专属网站    already has a number of websites devoted to him
被捕的据闻还包括无线非戏剧分部助理总监何丽全及《劲歌金曲》节目监制陈家伦。    Also believed to have been arrested were Ho Lai-tsuen, assistant controller of TVB's non-drama sub-division, and Chan Ka-lun, who is in charge of TVB's Solid Gold music programme.
市场亦忧虑禽流感爆发和更多配股事件。    Also weighing on sentiment were fears over bird flu and concerns of further share placements.
而且,替补人选必须不介意做过渡期人物,任期只有董生余下的任期,两年零九个月。    Also, the replacement had to be someone who did not mind being a transitional figure, serving only the two years and nine months that remain of Mr Tung's second term.
纠正一些人对爱滋病的错误观念    altered some people's misconceptions about Aids
候补委员    alternate member
在投票日前他不能退选,而他亦表示若然当选不会辞职。    Although he cannot drop out of the Legco race before the ballot, he has insisted on serving if re-elected.
虽然客机须在香港短暂停留,仍不算真正直航,但是次事件揭开了两岸直航的新章。    Although it was still technically an indirect flight due to its stopover in Hong Kong, it marks a step towards direct flights between cities on each side of the Taiwan Strait.
虽然泛民主派不大可能会加入行政会议,但仍然有其它方法可以改善行政立法关系。    Although it was unlikely the pan-democracy force would join Exco, there were other ways to improve the executive-legislature relationship.
虽然民主党反对第七项议案,但在自由党和民建联携手支持下,议案获得通过。    Although the Democratic Party did not back the seventh resolution, it succeeded with the support of the Liberal Party and the DAB.
虽然执政党民进党和国亲联盟已就全面验票的原则达成共识,但对于如何进行却意见分歧。    Although the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the opposition alliance of the Kuomintang and People First Party (PFP) have agreed in principle to a full recount, the two sides differ on how to proceed.
肺气泡    alveolus/alveoli
坚持要用安全套    always insisted on condoms
经常探索新事物和新知识    always sought out new experiences and knowledge
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