郑经翰 Albert Jinghan Cheng炼丹 alchemy酒精中毒 alcoholism爱秩序湾 Aldrich Bay报警 alert police/call police何伟途涉嫌嫖妓,自上周起被大陆公安拘留。 Alex Ho Wai-tao has been held by mainland authorities
since last week for allegedly visiting a prostitute.黄海腾于九三年七月七日因胸部不适而被送入玛丽医院治疗。院方为他注入了镇痛剂「利多卡因」后,他就一直昏迷至今。黄海腾现年三十九岁,入院前性格外向,喜爱运动,从事装修。
Alexander Wong Hoi-tang, 39 —— once an outgoing sports lover who ran a
renovation business —— has been in a coma since being given an injection of the
painkiller lignocaine at Queen Mary Hospital on July 7, 1993, when he was admitted with
chest pains.阿历山大 Alexandria(Egypt)紫花苜蓿 alfalfa大菜糕 algal jelly藻源中毒 algal poisoning阿尔及利亚(阿尔及尔) Algeria(Algiers)化名 alias不在场证据 alibi (n); I've got an alibi for Tuesday night.外来入侵者 alien invader赡养费 alimony意大利航空公司 Alitalia Airliness九龙沿岸的地价会全面上升。 All along the Kowloon shore, land values would go up.一直以来,大陆传媒都是共产党和中央政府的喉舌。 All along, the mainland media remains the
mouthpiece of the communist party and the government.枪声整天在帝力回响,目击者见到一堆堆的尸体。 All day gunfire rang through the capital, where
witnesses reported seeing piles of corpses.所有专利巴士已转用超低硫柴油。 All franchised buses have already switched to ultra-low
sulphur diesel.美国的所谓民主原则都是伪善的。 All its preachings about democratic principles ring hollow.
各大银行 all major banks所有新入职的幼儿园教师都必须在会考中取得至少五科及格成绩,包括中、英文科。 All newly-appointed kindergarten
teachers will need five passes in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination,
including Chinese and English.全日空航空 All Nippon Airways 语际翻译 版权所有
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