旧楼 aging blocks激动的 agitated挑拨者 agitators不可知论的、不可知论者 agnostic不可知论 agnosticism广场恐惧症/广场恐怖症 agoraphobia同意对外国业者开放网际网络市场 agreed to open its Internet market to foreign participation
要她们预缴三个月费用才收她们 agreed to take them in return for three months' fees in
advance农业政策 agricultural policy农产品 agricultural products/farm products渔农界 Agriculture and Fisheries渔农自然护理署 Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department艾哈迈达巴德 Ahmadabad从电视影片可见, Ahmedabad的救援人员正奋力清理颓垣败瓦,现场亦有小童支离破碎的尸体。Television footage showed
relief workers struggling to clear rubble from demolished buildings in Ahmedabad, as
well as mutilated corpses of children.救援组织 aid groups助长非典型肺炎病毒扩散 aid the spread of atypical pneumonia协助及教唆他人犯罪 aiding and abetting the offence协助及教唆他人犯罪 aiding and abetting the offence援助贫穷的非洲国家 aiding poor African countries协助和保护恐怖分子,包括阿盖达组织 aids and protects terrorists including members of al
Qaeda爱滋病宣导计划 AIDS awareness programs香港爱滋病基金会 AIDS Foundation帮助防止蛀牙 aids in the prevention of cavities爱滋病将在全球人口最多的国家爆发。 AIDS is about to explode in the world's most populous
nations.爱滋病肆虐的非洲 AIDS-wracked Africa 语际翻译 版权所有
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