受影响住户 affected residents受影响员工 affected staff/affected employees输入小动脉 afferent arteriole宣誓书 affidavit平权措施 affirmative action侮辱、冒犯 affront (vt)/(sing); To affront is to offend or insult someone,
especially by not showing respect.阿富汗(喀布尔) Afghanistan(Kabul)非洲国家 African nations非洲裔美国人/非裔美国人/美国黑人 African-Americans天安门广场昨晨鸣放二十一响礼炮后,**陪同普京踏着红地毡检阅中国三军仪仗队。 After a 21-gun salute yesterday
morning, Mr Jiang squired Mr Putin along a red-carpet to review a military honour guard
in Tiananmen Square.经过六小时对峙,一百名警员于上午四时三十分左右采取行动,拖走五十名成功闯入政府总部的示威学生。 After a six-hour standoff,
at around 4.30am some 100 police officers took action to drag away 50 student
demonstrators who had managed to get into the grounds of the government office complex.
毕竟,救人是最重要的事。 After all, saving a person's life is the most important thing
毕竟,该行仍欠受害人、公众和它的银行和保险界合作伙伴一个解释,解释为何会发生这样严重的事故。 After all, the bank also
owes the victims, the public and its partners in the banking and insurance sectors an
explanation how this terrible mistake could have happened.经过连日来多宗流血事件后 after days of widespread bloodletting经过四个月的调查 after four months of investigation回归后 after the reversion of sovereignty他们收到考试成绩后 after they obtain their exam results他在五年内升职三次,工时比以往更长。 After three promotions in five years, he was working
longer hours than ever before.税后盈利、除税后盈利 after-tax profit再次收紧条例/还原恶法 again tightened the law???法新社(法) Agency France-Presse改革议程 agenda of reform改革议程 agenda of reform全国联合通讯社(意) Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata大力推销新股 aggressively pitch the offering 语际翻译 版权所有
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