社会各界 all sectors of the community城市生活压力的解药 all serve as antidotes to the stresses of city living各主要政党 all the main political parties(巴士上)站立的人前仆后继,叠在他人身上。 All the people who were standing fell over, piling up
on each other.所有这些﹐都体现了中国共产党全党的意志﹐代表了全国各族人民的愿望。 All these reflect the will of the entire
Communist Party of China and represent the aspiration of people of all ethnic groups in
China.空袭解除的警报 all-clear全人发展 all-round development全人发展 all-round development阿拉 Allah有嫌疑的 alleged涉嫌协助并教唆其二十岁儿子逾期居留 allegedly aiding and abetting his 20-year-old son to
overstay涉嫌以邮购骗局诈骗投资者 allegedly swindling investors in his company's mail-order
schemes涉嫌吸纳客户用以投资的资金,将之转移到用假公司名义,在美国、加勒比海和瑞士开的银行户口 allegedly used American,
Caribbean and Swiss bank accounts of bogus corporation to siphon money he was supposed
to be investing李鹏飞是香港最近封咪的第三位电台主持。 Allen Lee Peng-fei recently became the third Hong Kong
radio personality to go off the air.前自由党主席兼人大代表李鹏飞 Allen Lee Peng-fei, the former Liberal Party chairman and a
National People's Congress deputy致敏物质 allergen过敏症专科医师 allergy specialist/allergist改善空气污染情况 alleviate air pollution减轻消费者疑虑 alleviate consumers' worries纾解偏头痛 alleviate migraine headaches减轻我们的负担 alleviate the burden on us纾缓学额不足的问题 alleviate the problem of a shortfall in school places减轻医生工作量 alleviating doctors' workload增拨额外资源 allocate additional resources让细菌有足够时间繁殖 allow ample time for the bacteria to multiply 语际翻译 版权所有
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