经济城市 an economic city经济第一或经济挂帅的方法 an economy-first or economy-only approach教育团体 an education group每日八小时工作和最低工资制是可行的,雇主不会负担不来 an eight-hour day and a minimum wage are
achievable and can be afforded by employers??巧妙的骗局 an elaborate hoax一名选举官员 an election official职业介绍所 an employment agency濒临绝种的生物 an endangered species庞大的内销市场 an enormous internal market《联合报》的娱乐记者 an entertainment writer for United Daily News有利于培训政治人才的环境 an environment conducive to nurturing political talent平等机会雇主 an equal-opportunities employer街头暴力事件加剧 an escalation of street violence邪教 an evil cult恶法 an evil law预防慢性疾病专家 an expert in chronic-disease prevention没有办法下的最佳解释 an explanation of last resort极早期的癌症 an extremely low-grade form of cancer僭建的阳台 an illegal balcony继续改革的动力 an impetus to further reform进出口商人 an import-export merchant错版特区区旗 an incorrect version of the SAR flag家庭暴力事件上升 an increase in number of domestic violence愈来愈僵化的领导层 an increasingly ossified leadership越来越离群的生活 an increasingly reclusive lifestyle 语际翻译 版权所有
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