

劳动者不履行前款规定义务的,用人单位应当对其进行教育。    The Employer shall rectify the laborer’s activities running against the above provisions.
用人单位应当研究工会的意见,并将处理结果书面通知工会。    The employer shall take the opinions of the labor union into account and notify the labor union concerning the relevant results in written form.
对遭受或者可能遭受急性职业病危害的劳动者,用人单位应当及时组织救治、进行健康检查和医学观察,所需费用由用人单位承担。    The Employer shall, at its own cost, promptly rescue/cure the laborers suffering from the contingent occupational diseases or exposed to the possibility of contingent occupational diseases, and arrange physical examination and medical treatment therefor.
疑似职业病病人在诊断、医学观察期间的费用,由用人单位承担。    The Employer should bear the cost of the diagnosis and medical treatment of the patient concerned.
用人单位应当保障劳动者行使前款所列权利。因劳动者依法行使正当权利而降低其工资、福利等待遇或者解除、终止与其订立的劳动合同的,其行为无效。    The Employer should ensure that the laborers may exercise the above rights. Such practices as reducing remuneration package, invalidating or terminating the labor contract due to the laborer’s exercise of legal rights are deemed invalid.
用人单位应当按照国家有关规定,安排职业病病人进行治疗、康复和定期检查。    The Employer should have the occupational-disease victims treated, rehabilitated and regularly examined in accordance with applicable regulations.
用人单位应当及时安排对疑似职业病病人进行诊断;在疑似职业病病人诊断或者医学观察期间,不得解除或者终止与其订立的劳动合同。    The Employer should have the patient concerned diagnosed in time. It is not allowed to invalidate or terminate the labor contract with the said patient during the diagnosis and medical treatment period.
对职业病防护设备、应急救援设施和个人使用的职业病防护用品,用人单位应当进行经常性的维护、检修,定期检测其性能和效果,确保其处于正常状态,不得擅自拆除或者停止使用。    The Employer should make regular maintenance, overhaul and test of the occupational-disease-prevention equipment, first-aid facilities and individual-used occupational-disease-prevention articles to ensure their smooth operation. It is not allowed to remove or stop the above occupational-disease-prevention facilities without the approval of competent authorities.
用人单位应当按照国务院卫生行政部门的规定,定期对工作场所进行职业病危害因素检测、评价。检测、评价结果存入用人单位职业卫生档案,定期向所在地卫生行政部门报告并向劳动者公布。    The Employer should make regular test and assessment on the occupational-disease-inductive factors in the workplace according to the regulation of the public health authority under the State Council. The assessment result shall be logged into the Employer’s occupational health archive for regular submission to local public-health authority and for release to the laborers.
用人单位对从事接触职业病危害的作业的劳动者,应当给予适当岗位津贴。    The Employer should pay appropriate post allowance to the laborers engaged in the occupational-disease-inductive operation.
用人单位应当对劳动者进行上岗前的职业卫生培训和在岗期间的定期职业卫生培训,普及职业卫生知识,督促劳动者遵守职业病防治法律、法规、规章和操作规程,指导劳动者正确使用职业病防护设备和个人使用的职业病防护用品。    The Employer should provide the regular pre-employment/on-job occupational health training to laborers, popularize the occupational health knowledge, supervise/urge the laborers to comply with the laws, regulations, rules and operating rules for occupational disease prevention, instruct the laborers for the correct utilization of occupational-disease-prevention equipment and individual-used occupational-disease-prevention articles.
用人单位对不适宜继续从事原工作的职业病病人,应当调离原岗位,并妥善安置。    The Employer should remove the occupational-disease victims unfitting the existing work from the former occupational-disease-inductive post.
用人单位发生分立、合并、解散、破产等情形的,应当对从事接触职业病危害的作业的劳动者进行健康检查,并按照国家有关规定妥善安置职业病病人。    The Employer, upon divest, merge, dissolution and bankruptcy, should make physical examination for the laborers engaged in occupational-disease-inductive operation and properly settle the occupational-disease victims according to applicable regulations.
用人单位应当将直接涉及劳动者切身利益的规章制度和重大事项决定公示,或者告知劳动者。    The employers shall publicize the bylaws and significant matters in direct relation to the real benefits of the workers or inform the workers.
用人单位及其作业场所符合前两款规定的,由卫生行政部门发给职业卫生安全许可证,方可从事使用有毒物品的作业。    The employing unit and its workplaces that meet the conditions provided for in the preceding two paragraphs shall not engage in the operations in which toxic substances are used unless the administrative department for public health has issued the occupational health and safety license to it.
用人单位的使用有毒物品作业场所,除应当符合职业病防治法规定的职业卫生要求外,还必须符合下列要求:    The employing unit's workplaces where toxic substances are used shall, in addition to the occupational health requirements provided for in the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, also meet the following conditions:
用人单位应当对前款所列设施进行经常性的维护、检修,定期检测其性能和效果,确保其处于良好运行状态。    The employing units shall frequently maintain and overhaul safeguards and facilities as specified in the preceding paragraph, test their performances and effects at regular intervals, and ensure they are in good conditions.
用人单位应当保障劳动者行使前款所列权利。禁止因劳动者依法行使正当权利而降低其工资、福利等待遇或者解除、终止与其订立的劳动合同。    The employing units shall guarantee the exercise of the rights by the workers as specified in the preceding paragraph. It shall be prohibited from reducing workers' wages, welfares or other benefits, or rescinding or terminating the labor contracts concluded with the workers because the workers exercise their legitimate rights according to law.
用人单位有权向生产、经营有毒物品的单位索取说明书。    The employing units shall have the right to demand the specifications from units that manufacture or trade in toxic substances.
用人单位不得安排未经上岗前职业健康检查的劳动者从事使用有毒物品的作业,不得安排有职业禁忌的劳动者从事其所禁忌的作业。    The employing units shall neither assign the workers who have not received occupational health examinations before taking up their jobs to engage in the operations in which toxic substances are used, nor assign taboo-bound workers to engage in taboo operations.
用人单位不得因劳动者依据前款规定行使权利,而取消或者减少劳动者在正常工作时享有的工资、福利待遇。    The employing units shall not cancel or reduce wages and benefits enjoyed by the workers in normal working hours if the workers exercise the rights specified in the preceding paragraph.
用人单位应当为从事使用高毒物品作业的劳动者提供岗位津贴。    The employing units shall provide allowances to the workers engaging in the operations in which high toxic substances are used.
用人单位应当对劳动者进行上岗前的职业卫生培训和在岗期间的定期职业卫生培训,普及有关职业卫生知识,督促劳动者遵守有关法律、法规和操作规程,指导劳动者正确使用职业中毒危害防护设备和个人使用的职业中毒危害防护用品。    The employing units shall provide occupational health training before the workers take up their jobs, and conduct regular occupational health training when the workers are at posts, popularize the relevant occupational health knowledge, supervise and urge the workers to abide by the relevant laws, regulations and operating rules, and guide the workers to correctly use safeguards against occupational health hazards and individual protective appliances against occupational health hazards.
用人单位应当向卫生行政部门如实、具体提供反映有关劳动保护的材料;必要时,卫生行政部门可以查阅或者要求用人单位报送有关材料。    The employing units shall provide truthful and specific materials relating to labor protection to the administrative departments for public health. When necessary, the administrative departments for public health may consult, or require the employing units to submit, the relevant materials.
从事使用高毒物品作业的用人单位,应当配备专职的或者兼职的职业卫生医师和护士;    The employing units that engage in the operations in which high toxic substances are used shall assign the full-time or part-time occupational health doctors and nurses.
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