

(四)国庆节;    ??????the National Day;
(四)就业状况;    ??????the situation of employment;
(二)春节;    ??????the Spring Festival;
(二)患病或者负伤,在规定的医疗期内的;    ??????to be a female staff member or worker during pregnant, puerperal, or
(一)患职业病或者因工负伤并被确认丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力的;    ??????to be receiving medical treatment for diseases or injuries within the ??????prescribed period of time;
(三)严重失职,营私舞弊,对用人单位利益造成重大损害的;    ????to cause great losses to the employing unit due to serious dereliction of ????duty or engagement in malpractice for selfish ends;
(一)以暴力、威胁或者非法限制人身自由的手段强迫劳动的;    ????to force labourers to work by resorting to violence, intimidation or illegal ????restriction of personal freedom; or
(一)劳动合同期限;    ?term of a labour contract;
(一)劳动者本人及平均赡养人口的最低生活费用;    ?the lowest living expenses of labourers themselves and the average family ????members they support;
(一)在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件的;    ?to be proved not up to the requirements for recruitment during the probation period;
目录    Table of Contents
企业行政主管部门、劳动行政主管部门和工会组织应当指导、帮助和支持企业做好富余职工安置工作,积极创造条件,培育和完善劳务市场,开辟社会安置渠道。?    The administrative competent departments of the Enterprises, competent labor administrative institutions and trade unions shall guide, assist and support the Enterprises in successfully placing surplus staff and workers, and actively create conditions to cultivate and improve the labor market and open up social channels for placement.
卫生行政部门对举报人、投诉人、检举人和控告人负有保密的义务。    The administrative departments for public health shall be obliged to keep confidentiality for the reporters, complainants, informants and chargers.
卫生行政部门实施监督检查,不得收取费用,不得接受用人单位的财物或者其他利益。    The administrative departments for public health shall conduct the supervision and inspection at no charge, and shall not accept property or other benefits from the employing units.
卫生行政部门对举报、投诉、检举和控告应当及时核实,依法作出处理,并将处理结果予以公布。    The administrative departments for public health shall promptly verify the reports, complaints, exposures or charges, handle them according to law and publish the results.
卫生行政部门应当依照本条例的规定对使用有毒物品作业场所的职业卫生防护设备、设施的防护性能进行定期检验和不定期的抽查;    The administrative departments for public health shall, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, periodically inspect and selectively check at irregular intervals the performances of safeguards for the occupational health in the workplaces where toxic substances are used.
县级以上地方各级人民政府劳动保障行政部门主管本行政区域内的失业保险工作。    The administrative departments of labor security under the people's governments at or above the county level are in charge of unemployment insurance work within their respective administrative areas.
全国建立统一的中华全国总工会。    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions shall operate uniformly at a national level.
变更劳动合同,应当采用书面形式。    The alterations to the labor contract shall be made in written form.
劳动报酬的数额,参照本单位相同或者相近岗位劳动者的劳动报酬确定。    The amount of labor remuneration shall be determined with reference to the labor remuneration of laborers in the same or similar position with the Unit.
违约金的数额不得超过用人单位提供的培训费用。    The amount of penalty for breach of contract shall not be in excess of the training fees as provided by the employer.
劳动报酬的数额,参照本单位相同或者相近岗位劳动者的劳动报酬确定。    The amount of remunerations shall be determined according to the remuneration to the workers taking up the same or similar posts of this entity by analogy.
违约金的数额不得超过用人单位提供的培训费用。    The amount of the damages stipulated for breach of the agreement on the term of service may not exceed the training expenses paid by the Unit.
  生活补助费和医疗补助费计发基数,按本人解除劳动合同前半年月平均实得工资计算。    The base for the living and the medical treatment allowances is the average monthly pay for the six months before the labor contract is terminate.
建设项目职业病危害分类目录和分类管理办法由国务院卫生行政部门制定。    The catalogs of occupational diseases and the categorized administrative measures for the Construction Project are to be worked out by the public health authority under the State Council.
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